Thursday, March 24, 2005
March is the snowiest month...
... in the place that I live. It is snowing today and it is very cold! Boy am I ready for spring.

I have decided that I am going to be better about posting every couple of days. Lets see if I can actually stick with a hobby for once!

There are only 9 days until we leave for the sunny beaches of Mexico. I can't wait! Our friends C&S decided at the last minute that they were going to join us and I am so excited... last time Husband and I were in Mexico we talked and talked about how much fun it would be if C&S or G&J or both were there with us. G&J can't go because J is about ready to pop out her first little bundle in April... I will miss having them there, they are so much fun.

I have a ton of things to do before we go... I need to borrow C&S's extra digital camera and get it all charged up. I need to get the birth certificates and plane/hotel confirmation stuff all in order. I need to clean the house and do all the laundry because I can't stand coming home to a dirty house. I have to confirm that we have a house/cat sitter and that my parents will take temporary custody of the dog for a week and I still need to decide which swimsuit to take back. Leave it to the obsessive compulsive one to buy three swimsuits knowing damn well that she could only afford to keep one! Oh well! I am going to do a little fashion show for Husband and then he can help me decide which two go and which one stays.

On the baby front - I am having a wonderful month off from the temping and the charting and the Clomid and the obsessing! I really needed another sanity break. The only thing I am doing this month is OPKs and that is because, well, I just can't do nothing! So far they are negative, but based on the past gazillion months of data I have I am sure that will be changing soon. Geddy-up Husband it is time to get our GROOVE on!

As a wrap up... a huge shout-out to the infertile ladies who blog out there that keep me going. I don't comment but I do read - everyday! You have no idea how much I enjoy your ramblings! I am going to link to some of you that I enjoy on a daily basis... hope you don't mind.


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