Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The weekend...
Well, first things first, I managed NOT to pee on anything this weekend. Resisting temptation was hard, but Husband really wanted me to wait until tomorrow, so I am going to. Hope is fading away. My boobs are not nearly as sore today as they were on Saturday which is usually a sign that the bleeding is about to begin. We will see what the next couple of days brings.

Our holiday weekend was pretty good until yesterday. Friday night we went out for Sushi with some friends, Saturday I went and got a pedicure and went to the driving range and we had some friends over for dinner. Sunday we played golf in the morning and watched movies ALL afternoon and evening! Yesterday we slept in, had a good breakfast, took a nap, had some dinner and went up on the hill by our house to watch the fireworks. Overall it was a peaceful and relaxing weekend. We did get some sad news that my grandfather passed away yesterday morning. He has been very ill with Parkinson's disease for many, many years so it wasn't completely unexpected. But still, it hits you in the gut when it finally happens. Arrangements are being made today and I need to decide if I am going to travel to services or not. I haven't decided yet.

So, a question for you all. Have any of you financed your infertility? Anyone tried this program? Anyone have any suggestions for other programs? My RE doesn't participate in any type of shared-risk program so that option is out... BUMMER! I know these are very personal questions so if you choose to respond and don't want to post a public comment please feel free to email me directly.


Blogger Larisa said...

So sorry about your grandfather - it's always difficult to lose a loved one, even if it is expected. I hope your diminishing boob soreness is not indicative of bad news tomorrow. Good luck!

Blogger Jamila said...

P, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Even when it is expected, it is always hard. Have you made any decisions yet about travelling for the services?

Otherwise, your weekend sounds like fun. V. relaxing.

As for the infertility financing, I have really done anything yet that requires any sort of big bucks. So that's a non-issue for me so far, except that the threat of insurance not covering our Clomid/possible IUI cycles is what has kept us from doing them the past 3 months. That one you found from Capital One just looks like a basic personal loan. You don't really need one tailored toward fertility if you're going to go that route, so you can shop around for better rates. I would think at least, I'm def. not an expert on the subject.

Blogger Nico said...

Oooohhh, you play golf too? I think you must be my long lost twin! How long have you been playing for?

(p.s. if you want to email me, use nicolaj at alum*mit*edu)

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